As a severely dyslexic adult without assistive technology I would find life very difficult and frustrating. Over my working career I have used technology in many ways to support myself and to set me on the level playing field with everyone else. I am an avid user of technology and also find technology fascinating. Being interested in technology means everything from a voice recorder to the latest Apple device. I passionately follow technology trends and evaluate them, to see the best way to use them to support my needs.
On 4 May I will be taking a webinar understanding dyslexia and technology. The webinar will go into a bit more depth on first understanding my dyslexia to then understand what technology I would use for specific purposes. The webinar will cover technology for all ages. Along with a brief look at some of the products that are out there that I found very useful. The webinar will look at technology that can be used in a school environment as well for an individual.
Technology can be very powerful for dyslexic people. Always remember training and understanding need. This is the most important things you need to think about when buying and using technology for people with dyslexia and other SEND needs
Click here to join my webinar on 4 May 7 PM Cost £10